I am proud to have been awarded a “Paul Harris Fellow” for my fundraising efforts.
I have designed a water label to raise funds for Disaster Aid Australia. All proceeds from the sale of this water go directly to Rotary, so far today over 5000 bottles have been sold.
I am proud to be a member of the Rotary Club of Hope Island and recognized by our district 9640.
I have some very special Rotary friends District Governor Sandra Doumany and her husband Sam, my beautiful friend Jenni Heenan who has helped me raise funds for Rotary and is always happy to be with me, and Sue Marsham another truly special person.
I am always proud to be with past District Governor Graeme Jones whose support has helped me with my fundraising endeavors.
I always participate in the “Kadoka Walk” on the Gold Coast walking from Canungra to Cascade Gardens, as a Rotarian I have participated on this fundraising walk for 8 years.
I have attended many Rotary conferences and participated in many Rotary functions, including” Bulls on the Beach” at Southport, The Boat Show, Opera in the Vineyard at Stanthorpe to name just a few.
I am also grateful to all my Rotary friends who have helped with my Facebook page and my Website, and helped to promote me to enable to continue to raise considerable funds for charity.
Rotary give ordinary people the opportunity to do extraordinary things.
How great it is to be in the company of so many great Rotarians, Presidents and disrtrict governers. Rotary truly is a fantastic organisation which does so much good in the world. I am proud to be part of it.
Last year I was awarded a beautiful trophy as Rotarian of the year for my club. It was a great moment for, and I will up to it.