I was fortunate enough to go to Hobart for the Alzheimer’s Conference, there I met Professor Bogarty an experet on dementia and Ita Butrose OBE AO who is the patron of Alzheimer’s Australia, Ita is a fantastic campaigner for Alzheimers.
I also went to Canberra last year and marched with Ita to Parlaiment House.
This was a campaign to create awareness of the issues concerning dementia and to alert the government to the serious numbers of people being diagnosed with dementia every year here in Australia.
I later attended a conference in Cairns and one on the Sunshine Coast.
It was on the Sunshine Coast that I met Tambo, he was attending the same conference, we became friends.
His carer was a presenter for the seninar and he also attended the dinner which was fantastic.
From these conference I am able to keep abreast of the changes that are happening in the health industry.
I also meeting some very interesting and wonderful caring people.