Last year I went to Canberra and marched on Parliament House with Ita Butrose OBE AO and members of Alzheimer’s Australia.
It was an incredible day to be able to do a protest march to Canberra House in the distinguished company of Ita Buttrose OBE AO and Sue Pieters Hawke.
I got to see the aboriginal tent embassy and met some very interesting people including the minister for mental health and aging the Hon Mark Butler MP.
I truly was amazed when I saw Canberra and felt very privileged to be of a very special event, which was able to change the lives of people with dementia, as after this protest dementia was recognized as a “national health priority” and succeeded in getting the government to allocate funds to help deal with the increasing number of predicated people who will suffer with dementia by the year 2020.
A great outcome and triumph for Alzheimer’s.
Ita Buttrose AO, OBE is a truly remarkable Lady, and I am so proud to be able to have my photograph taken with her.
This one was taken at the inaugural Alzheimer’s Ball in Brisbane last year.
It was a black tie affair and Build a Bear made me a dress suit for the occasion and my friend Barbara made me a dress shirt complete with lace and pearl buttons.
I wore a red bow tie and cumber bun. I know that I looked great. That is what they told me. I know that it was an honor to be there.