The fires in Tasmania were terrible and so I decided to don my fireman’s outfit and commence a fundraising campaign to help.
I managed with the help of my special friends to raise a lot of money.
Whenever there is a disaster in Australia the general public are most generous and when asked nearly everyone will give whatever they can.
The money went directly to the unfortunate people who lost so much; it was distributed through Rotary and the Red Cross.
It is true that I can make a difference through my fundraising efforts but with the help of my friends, we can achieve amazing results.
Without all my friends and loyal supporters, I could never have raised the considerable sums that I have. To all of them I will always grateful.
I had the opportunity to visit Hobart after the fires, and it was inspirational to see how so many people who had lost so much were rallying together to start to re build their homes and the towns.
I was grateful to have been able to have helped raise money for both the floods and the fires this year as I know just how hard it is too loose everything and to have to start all over again from scratch.
Australia is a wonderful country and whenever there is a flood, fires or any other natural disasters, Australians rally around to help and support their neighbors, or even total strangers.