My special friend Kaweena who is a Spiritual/Personal Guide and Mentor, and author her book “Happiness is just a breath away “is fabulous.
Kaweena has recently been inducted into the Psychic Hall of Fame.
This book has made a difference to so many. At just 85 years young, she is a true inspiration to everyone.
She has proved with her special breathing techniques you can be truly healthy. I practice her breathing exercises every day; this helps me to retain my energy flow.
One of the best breathing exercises of all is abdominal breathing, or what is generally called belly breathing which oxygenizes the whole body from top to toe.
Learn while lying down. Gently draw breath in through the nose, filling the lungs up as you push the tummy out, hold the breath for a count of three: pushing the tummy out makes more room for the lungs to expand to absorb more oxygen. Then push the air out through pursed lips, squeezing in the tummy muscles gently but firmly.
Keep squeezing which eliminates all the stale air, viruses and any micro germs .Repeat this exercise at least five times morning and night, gradually increasing to ten times morning and night.
Cleansing and oxygenizing the lungs daily can help and promote health and wellbeing. It will also reduce tension and help to relieve tension headaches.
I promise you that if you learn these techniques you will enjoy excellent health like my friend Kaweena.
Kaweena truly is inspirational and I love to go to dinner with her. No it is not an alcoholic drink just a fruit margarita, but it sure tasted great.
We went to the Pickled Cactus for dinner at Biggera Waters and we had a great night. The food was excellent and plenty of it.